Edmonton businesses

Best of - Edmonton - Badge - Gold@3x Category Winner Badges

If you've won Gold, Silver or Bronze and would like your category winner badge, please contact us at info@bestoflocal.online and we'll send you your badge. 

Email us for your WINNER badge


Best of - Edmonton - Badge - Standard@3x Nomination Badges

All nominees are welcome to use the Best of Local Nominee badge on their website, social media platforms and other marketing material. Show that you are considered the BEST of Edmonton!

Use the Form Below to Get Your Nomination Badge

Get Your Edmonton Nomination Badge

Get your "Best of Local" Edmonton badge to use on your site, in your marketing collateral and on social media. Fill out the form and we'll send the image files to your inbox.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the badge on my website?

Yes! Please feel free to use your badge on your website, on social media, in your emails, and other marketing campaigns. 

Can I alter the badge?

No. The badge is to be used as provided. 

Does it cost anything to use the badges?

Not at all! Please promote your nomination as you like. 

Are there different types of badges?

Yes. There are generic city badges for nominations and if you win your category you will be sent a special winner badge that you can use on your site and in your marketing materials. Winners will also have a badge added to their Best of Local Business Profile page (if they have one). 

Do I have to link back to the Best of Local website?

Not if you don't want to, but we're certainly welcome to it if you do! Linking back to your category listing or business profile page can help your audience see your listing and vote for you as the Best of Edmonton.